Weekday Devotionals
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
It's approaching the 'most wonderful time' of the year. There is never enough time in the day, or the days are too long and the years too short. As human beings, it's hard to know whether the invention of the clock as helped or hindered our mental state. Everything operates on a clock and a calendar. Therefore, we look at both and wonder why God is taking so long. We forget that He created the day and we created the hours to govern our day. We turned creation into a timeclock, and based our worth on our productivity or how we could get others to produce for us in those hours. Christmas has become a season of parties, products, and exhaustion. Come Lord Jesus, come! What is taking you so long?!? Simply put, God does not operate on our timeline. He does not own a Rolex. He does not sync His calendar with the Son and Spirit, everything is an eternal present and He is waiting for anyone and everyone who will, come to the Grand Feast of the Lamb. All are invited, and we trust that He knows exactly when to open and close those doors.
The invitation to that great feast may begin with an invitation to a Christmas Eve service where an exhausted over-worked and underpaid person can come hear that the God of the Universe isn't inviting them to punch a clock and punch in, but He offers hope, peace, joy, and love.
He wants to invite them to a feast, and He awaits your response.
Take your time, but keep in mind, the time is short.
God is waiting on all of us to respond.
Pastor Aaron
It's approaching the 'most wonderful time' of the year. There is never enough time in the day, or the days are too long and the years too short. As human beings, it's hard to know whether the invention of the clock as helped or hindered our mental state. Everything operates on a clock and a calendar. Therefore, we look at both and wonder why God is taking so long. We forget that He created the day and we created the hours to govern our day. We turned creation into a timeclock, and based our worth on our productivity or how we could get others to produce for us in those hours. Christmas has become a season of parties, products, and exhaustion. Come Lord Jesus, come! What is taking you so long?!? Simply put, God does not operate on our timeline. He does not own a Rolex. He does not sync His calendar with the Son and Spirit, everything is an eternal present and He is waiting for anyone and everyone who will, come to the Grand Feast of the Lamb. All are invited, and we trust that He knows exactly when to open and close those doors.
The invitation to that great feast may begin with an invitation to a Christmas Eve service where an exhausted over-worked and underpaid person can come hear that the God of the Universe isn't inviting them to punch a clock and punch in, but He offers hope, peace, joy, and love.
He wants to invite them to a feast, and He awaits your response.
Take your time, but keep in mind, the time is short.
God is waiting on all of us to respond.
Pastor Aaron
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