Weekday Devotionals
Husbands…Love your Wives by Rick McCotter
Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.
Thoughts: This scripture is true and it is easy to follow the directives on how to love your wife and be one with her and live in harmony with one another. As Elise and I have worked on this in our own marriage, our lives together get into sync and harmony…Life is better together when your ruling the house together as a team. When we are not doing our parts, we begin to compete, find fault and find ourselves building our individual kingdoms…. this is not fun and breeds problems.
So, men, lets break this down and do our part first which is our responsibility as the priest of our homes. For me to love Elise as Christ loved the church this is what I focus on; I yield to her often, I give up my right to myself and what I want. I let her have her way or desire in decisions. It keeps my selfishness in check and most of the yields aren’t a big deal so why not just yield. The second part of the scripture for us men is simply discipline and obedience. Wash your wife in the word. Be disciplined and create the habit of reading the word to her and having a devotion and prayer time together daily. Elise and I do this almost every day; yes, we miss a day here and there…no big deal…just be consistent. Men, this is your responsibility; do it!!!
Here are the Results: Through fulfillment of this directive of God, the husband becomes the priest of his household, and the wife submits to that office of priesthood. There is no strain on the part of either the husband or the wife, this is the natural outcome to the act of obedience. When Elise and I do this, we find ourselves in harmony with one another and working as a team ruling over our household together…. did you get that guys??? TOGETHER AS A TEAM!! It’s wonderful…we’ve lived the other way and it’s miserable.
When this simple act of obedience is ignored, the family is in constant struggle for harmony. Obedience to God always activates His positive power; disobedience activates the negative power of the enemy.
Challenge: Guys, do these two things and I promise you will see a difference in your marriage quickly.
- Rick
Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.
Thoughts: This scripture is true and it is easy to follow the directives on how to love your wife and be one with her and live in harmony with one another. As Elise and I have worked on this in our own marriage, our lives together get into sync and harmony…Life is better together when your ruling the house together as a team. When we are not doing our parts, we begin to compete, find fault and find ourselves building our individual kingdoms…. this is not fun and breeds problems.
So, men, lets break this down and do our part first which is our responsibility as the priest of our homes. For me to love Elise as Christ loved the church this is what I focus on; I yield to her often, I give up my right to myself and what I want. I let her have her way or desire in decisions. It keeps my selfishness in check and most of the yields aren’t a big deal so why not just yield. The second part of the scripture for us men is simply discipline and obedience. Wash your wife in the word. Be disciplined and create the habit of reading the word to her and having a devotion and prayer time together daily. Elise and I do this almost every day; yes, we miss a day here and there…no big deal…just be consistent. Men, this is your responsibility; do it!!!
Here are the Results: Through fulfillment of this directive of God, the husband becomes the priest of his household, and the wife submits to that office of priesthood. There is no strain on the part of either the husband or the wife, this is the natural outcome to the act of obedience. When Elise and I do this, we find ourselves in harmony with one another and working as a team ruling over our household together…. did you get that guys??? TOGETHER AS A TEAM!! It’s wonderful…we’ve lived the other way and it’s miserable.
When this simple act of obedience is ignored, the family is in constant struggle for harmony. Obedience to God always activates His positive power; disobedience activates the negative power of the enemy.
Challenge: Guys, do these two things and I promise you will see a difference in your marriage quickly.
- Yield to her, let her have her way often, lay down your own selfish desires.
- Have a daily prayer and devotion time with her; both of you participate and read God’s word to her. Get a prayer board (white board 2’x3’ is what Elise and I use) write down people you want to pray for, needs for each of you and others, all kinds of areas need prayer; when you write them on the board it takes the focus off of the both of you and it becomes easier to prayer together.
- Rick
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