Weekday Devotionals
At the Movies Week 3 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Devo by Samantha Mosca
Verse: Now Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. (Heb 11:1)
Thought: Faith. This was my first, and biggest, struggle when I came back to church. I used to ask my husband how do you just “have faith”? And he would tell me, “You just do”. It has taken a lot of work to understand what he meant. I had to put my time in- read, join groups, talk, read some more. And not just any reading, specifically the Bible. Our very own handbook to life.
And not just any groups, groups with mature Christians who I could learn from.
These last few weeks we have had sermons that are pulled out of movies. Each week I wonder where the Holy Spirit will take the pastors mind, heart, and soul. And this week was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Love this movie! What caught me right from the start was what this movie is all about, “Finding Lost Treasure”. It was here I thought, this is what our whole lives are about. I find myself looking at life and thinking of all the people I know, and do not know, who have yet to meet Jesus, to “know God”, and I think- “Lost Treasure”. These are our Lost treasures; God wants us to step out in faith and spread His word. He wants what He has so freely given us to be shared with everyone. To follow His footsteps, to share His word. I turned to my Bible and started looking for His confirmations; Moses (Hebrews 11:27), Joshua (Joshua 6:20), Abraham (Romans 4:13), Esther (Esther 4:14). These were all people, just like you and I, who found faith. They followed the footsteps of God. Took a leap of faith. The Bible is full of Treasures, people who God lead, people who had no idea how to “just have faith”, yet, they conquered, defeated and triumphantly found their Lost Treasure. Faith brought them there. Complete trust and confidence in God.
We need to start looking at our fellow brothers and sisters as a Lost Treasure and devise a strategic plan to conquer the snakes, perilous bridges, giant mountains, and anything else that tries to get in the way.
Application/Challenge: How often do you share God’s glory with an unbeliever? This week, make it a point to find a Treasure, share what God has done in your life with one person who doesn’t know Him.
Lord I pray that all who read this devotional may have a fire ignited in their heart to seek treasure this week. Let your words guide them in conversation, mountains move and crush those snakes, and bridges be found sturdy and passable. In your name Jesus we pray- Amen
Peace, Love, Fire & Light
Verse: Now Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. (Heb 11:1)
Thought: Faith. This was my first, and biggest, struggle when I came back to church. I used to ask my husband how do you just “have faith”? And he would tell me, “You just do”. It has taken a lot of work to understand what he meant. I had to put my time in- read, join groups, talk, read some more. And not just any reading, specifically the Bible. Our very own handbook to life.
And not just any groups, groups with mature Christians who I could learn from.
These last few weeks we have had sermons that are pulled out of movies. Each week I wonder where the Holy Spirit will take the pastors mind, heart, and soul. And this week was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Love this movie! What caught me right from the start was what this movie is all about, “Finding Lost Treasure”. It was here I thought, this is what our whole lives are about. I find myself looking at life and thinking of all the people I know, and do not know, who have yet to meet Jesus, to “know God”, and I think- “Lost Treasure”. These are our Lost treasures; God wants us to step out in faith and spread His word. He wants what He has so freely given us to be shared with everyone. To follow His footsteps, to share His word. I turned to my Bible and started looking for His confirmations; Moses (Hebrews 11:27), Joshua (Joshua 6:20), Abraham (Romans 4:13), Esther (Esther 4:14). These were all people, just like you and I, who found faith. They followed the footsteps of God. Took a leap of faith. The Bible is full of Treasures, people who God lead, people who had no idea how to “just have faith”, yet, they conquered, defeated and triumphantly found their Lost Treasure. Faith brought them there. Complete trust and confidence in God.
We need to start looking at our fellow brothers and sisters as a Lost Treasure and devise a strategic plan to conquer the snakes, perilous bridges, giant mountains, and anything else that tries to get in the way.
Application/Challenge: How often do you share God’s glory with an unbeliever? This week, make it a point to find a Treasure, share what God has done in your life with one person who doesn’t know Him.
Lord I pray that all who read this devotional may have a fire ignited in their heart to seek treasure this week. Let your words guide them in conversation, mountains move and crush those snakes, and bridges be found sturdy and passable. In your name Jesus we pray- Amen
Peace, Love, Fire & Light
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